Developer Support Engineer - Generative AI Applications

Company: AbbVie
Job type: Full-time

Job Description
AbbVie’s EPIC team is responsible for building and deploying scalable company-internal generative AI platforms and APIs to boost productivity and accelerate scientific innovation. As a Developer Support Engineer on the EPIC team, you will play a vital role in facilitating internal software development leveraging EPIC’s LLM and generative AI tools. Your responsibilities will include meeting with developers, explaining features, helping developers debug their applications, and assisting with support tickets. Strong technical and communication skills are essential for success in this role.
In this role you will be responsible for:
Act as the primary technical liaison between the EPIC team and other development teams at AbbVie
Understand, share, and contribute to API documentation for the tools developed by the EPIC team
Understand and communicate to developers the limitations of large language models (LLMs)
Assist in debugging applications trying to interface with those APIs
Assist in resolving support tickets in cases where API behavior is unexpected
Promote the EPIC team's products and foster adoption within the organization

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